There will be a rare astronomical event this Monday, November 11, 2019, when Mercury passes in front of the sun. We’ll be streaming it live from NJ using a telescope. The event occurs only about 13 times a century.
Click on the player to see the live stream during the event! We’ll also stream the end, at 1:00pm EST, and on the quarter-hour in between, as well. Weather permitting!

Technical information
- Questar 3.5 Cassegrain-Maksutov telescope with chromium solar filter
- Lumix GH2 camera, 1080p24 source video
- KanexPro HDMI/3G-SDI converter
- Haivision Makito X video encoder /streamer, down-converted to 720p
- HLS playback on HTML5 with Flash fallback for older browsers
Special thanks to …
- John Turner, Turner Engineering − encoder, technical support
- Wowza Media Systems − Wowza Streaming Cloud
- Cathy McLaughlin − location support
- Charlotte Cugnini – production assistance
- Lizzie Cugnini – production assistance